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Game Name : Carmageddon 2
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-11-02 06:47:46
Views : 23031

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the codes during gameplay:

Result - Code:
After burner - hotass
Angry pedestrians - largeone
Bonus armor slots - strongbones
Bonus offensive slots - nastybones
Bonus power slots - fastbones
Bonus slots all around - loadsabones
Bouncy mode - jigajig
Cloaking device - gotoinfrared
Credit bonus - wetwet
Damage magnifier - stuffitup
Disable pedestrian AI - lemmingize
Dismemberfest - oohmessymess
Double extra armor - ohsostrongsostong
Double extra everything - osoversatilesoversatile
Double extra offensive - ohsonastysonasty
Double extra power - ohsofastsofast
Drugs - bloodyhippy
Drunk driving - eveningoccifer
Enter at car selection to decrypt data files for editing - iwanttofiddle
Ethereal pedestrians - xrayspeks
Explosive pedestrians - twatoff
Extra armor - osostrong
Extra armor slot - thatsalotofarmour
Extra everything - osoversatile
Extra offensive - osonasty
Extra offensive slot - thatsalotofoffal
Extra power - osofast
Extra power slot - thatsalotofpower
Extra slots all around - thatsalotofslots
Fast pedestrians - fastbast
Fat pedestrians - hippotart
Finish race - smartbastard
Five Recovery Vouchers - pillpop
Flight mode - iwishicouldflyrightuptothesky
Free repairs - tingting
Frozen opponents - blueballz
Frozen police - bluepigs
Giant pedestrians - megabum
Gripomatic tires - rubberup
Grooving pedestrians - getdown
Helium pedestrians - fartsuits
Hot rod - cintonco
Hot rod - clintonco
Immortal pedestrians - angelmolesters
Instant handbrake - eyepopper
Instant Repairs - mingming
Invincibility - supacocks
Jelly suspension - mrwobbley
Jupiter gravity - ledsleds
Kangaroo on command - skippypoos
Lay mines - didedodi
lunar gravity - mooningminnie
Maximum armour - stringvest
Maximum everything - skegnesses
Maximum offensive - fistnesses
Maximum power - vastnesses
Mega bonus - glugglug
Mega-turbo - supawhizz
Mini-pedestrians - tinytoss
Mutant corpses - stiffspasms
Mutant tail - bigdangle
No power-ups - oypowerupno
Oil slicks - liquidlunge
Panicked pedestrians - mrmainwaring
Pedestrian annihilator - zazaz
Pedestrian electric ray - fryingtonight
Pedestrian flamethrower - fryfry
Pedestrian repulsificator - cowcow
Pedestrian valium - ineedapill
Pedestrians are stuck - stickits
Pedestrians have stupid heads - goodhead
Pedestrians on map - dotaction
Pinball mode - tilty
Repulse opponents - powpow
Rock springs - duffride
Slaughter mortar - bonbon
Slippery tires - wotatwatami
Slow motion pedestrians - easypeasy
Solid granite car - bigtwat
Stick insects - bloodyartists
Suicidal pedestrians - takemetakeme
Time bonus - timmytitty
Toggle timer - stopsnatch
Trashed bodywork - clangclang
Turbo - whizz
Turbo Bastard Nutter Nitros - furkinell
Turbo opponents - swiftyshifty
Turbo police - pigsmightfly
Underwater capability - watersport
Wall climbing - stickytyres

Instant cheat mode:
Slowly type lapmylovepump during game play to enable instant cheats:

Result - Code:

Toggle edit mode cheats/options - [F4]
Instant repair - [F5]
Damage options - [F6]
Timer toggle - [F8]
Check point - [F10]
5000 credits - [F11]
Credits - 1
Pedestrians have greased shoes - 2
Giant pedestrians - 3
Explosive pedestrians - 4
Hot rod - 5
Turbo pedestrians - 6
Invincibility - 7
Free repairs - 8
Instant repair - 9
Credits - 0
Underwater ability - [Shift] + 1
Time bonus - [Shift] + 2
Bodywork trashed - [Shift] + 3
A lot of damage - [Shift] + 4
Frozen opponents - [Shift] + 5
Frozen police - [Shift] + 6
Turbo opponents - [Shift] + 7
Turbo police - [Shift] + 8
Lunar gravity - [Shift] + 9
Toggle timer - [Shift] + 0
Wall climber - [Alt] + 1
Bouncy mode - [Alt] + 2
Jelly suspension - [Alt] + 3
Pedestrians on map - [Alt] + 4
Pedestrian electric ray - [Alt] + 5
Greased tires - [Alt] + 6
Damage magnifier - [Alt] + 7
Random power-ups - [Alt] + 8
Random power-ups - [Alt] + 9
Pinball mode - [Alt] + 0
Drugs - [Ctrl] + 1
Gripomatic tires - [Ctrl] + 2
Pedestrians with stupid heads - [Ctrl] + 3
Mutant corpses - [Ctrl] + 4
Jupiter gravity - [Ctrl] + 5
Some damage - [Ctrl] + 6
Slow motion pedestrians - [Ctrl] + 7
Mini-pedestrians - [Ctrl] + 8
Turbo Bastard Nutter Nitros - [Ctrl] + 9
Rock springs - [Ctrl] + 0
Random power-ups - [Shift] + [Alt] + 1
Instant handbrake - [Shift] + [Alt] + 2
Immortal pedestrians - [Shift] + [Alt] + 3
Turbo - [Shift] + [Alt] + 4
Mega-turbo - [Shift] + [Alt] + 5
Stupid pedestrians - [Shift] + [Alt] + 6
Suicidal pedestrians - [Shift] + [Alt] + 7
Five Recovery Vouchers - [Shift] + [Alt] + 8
Solid granite car - [Shift] + [Alt] + 9
Rock springs - [Shift] + [Alt] + 0
Helium pedestrians - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 1
Angry pedestrians - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 2
Fat pedestrians - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 3
Stick insects - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 4
Pedestrian Repulsificator - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 5
Extra armor - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 6
Extra power - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 7
Extra offensive - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 8
Extra everything - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 9
Pedestrian panic - [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 0
After burner - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 1
Mines - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 2
Oil slicks - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 3
Kangaroo on command - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 4
Pedestrian annihilator - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 5
Opponent repulsificator - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 6
Dismemberfest - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 7
Ethereal pedestrians - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 8
Grooving pedestrians - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 9
20000 credits - [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 0
Double extra offensive - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 1
Double extra power - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 2
Double extra everything - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 3
Maximum armor - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 4
Maximum power - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 5
Maximum offensive - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 6
Maximum everything - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 7
Extra armor slot - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 8
Extra offensive slot - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 9
Double extra offensive - [Shift] + [Alt] + [Ctrl] + 0

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